Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Social Media is Creepy!

Just in time for Halloween social media finds a way to freak me out. I will start with Facebook. A wile ago my friends and I began to notice that the ads on Facebook seemed applicable to our interests. Then we noticed the tie between our interests that we had listed on our profile pages and the ads popping up.
These are some screen shots of what I’m talking about.
My Interests

The ads I get because of my interests

Since I have certain things listed, like U2 being a band that I like I get ads on Facebook about U2, scrap booking, film making, the list goes on and on. And that’s ok with me. I volunteered that information and I’m sure that there is something in the terms of service that I agreed to that say they can do that. What really freaked me out was this.

It may not seem like much but it did me in. How does YouTube know that I know this person. I’ve deduced that we are both subscribed to a couple of the same YouTube channels of friends from school. Still it is very big brother of YouTube to know who I know… they already know what I watch often and that freaks me out a bit too. What do you think folks, have we given the social networks too much information about ourselves or not.

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